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The best AI tools that make education easier

Updated: Apr 8

Here's a list of AI tools designed to enhance various aspects of education.

Content Creation and Lesson Planning

  1. Socratic by Google ( Answers students' questions and finds helpful resources across a range of subjects.

  2. Nearpod ( Create interactive presentations and lessons with built-in assessments and AI-suggested activities.

  3. Quizlet ([invalid URL removed]): AI-powered flashcard maker and study tool for efficient self-learning.

  4. Explain Everything ( Interactive whiteboard for creating dynamic lessons, videos, and explanations.

  5. Hypotenuse AI ( AI tool specializing in generating educational blog posts and lesson content.

Personalized Learning and Support

  1. Knewton Alta ( Adaptive learning platform that tailors courses to individual students' needs and progress.

  2. Brainly ( Crowdsourced homework help platform where students can ask questions and get peer-to-peer or expert-provided explanations.

  3. Carnegie Learning ( Offers AI-powered math tutoring software for blended learning environments.

  4. Duolingo ( Gamified language learning app with AI-driven adaptive lessons and personalized feedback.

  5. Elsa Speak ( AI-based pronunciation coach for English language learners.

Assessment and Feedback

  1. Gradescope ( AI-assisted grading tool for streamlining assessment and providing detailed feedback.

  2. Grammarly ( AI-powered writing assistant for improving grammar, clarity, and style.

  3. Turnitin ( Plagiarism detection software and AI-enhanced feedback tool for originality.

  4. Otus ( Comprehensive learning management system with AI features for grade calculation and analytics.

  5. GoReact ( AI-supported video feedback platform that facilitates personalized assessment of presentations, demonstrations, and more.

Classroom Management and Communication

  1. ClassDojo ( Platform for communication with parents and students, promoting positive classroom behavior.

  2. Remind ( Communication tool to send text reminders to students and parents.

  3. Google Classroom ( Streamlines assignment sharing, grading and student collaboration in a virtual classroom environment.

  4. Flipgrid ( Video discussion platform for engaging students and encouraging peer-to-peer interactions.

  5. Hapara ( Teacher dashboard for monitoring student activity, providing differentiated instruction, and creating a focused online learning environment.

Accessibility and Inclusion

  1. Immersive Reader (Microsoft) ( Built-in reading support tool for text-to-speech, translation, and dyslexia-friendly formatting.

  2. Glean ( AI note-taking software that assists with audio recording, transcription, and organization for easier learning.

  3. Beeline Reader ( Uses color gradients to improve focus and reading speed for diverse learners.

  4. Speechify ( Text-to-speech tool for reading accessibility.

  5. Present Pal ( : AI-powered software that aids with presentation delivery for those anxious about public speaking.

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